Describe at least 2 identity and access management tools needed to measure and monitor security risks across the enter


Management is pleased with the progress that has been made and likes the steps you have taken to set up a secured network environment. During the last status meeting, the following was asked: "Has everything been done that is possible to ensure the security of the environment?" Your response was that you believed it has, but one way to be sure is to conduct a vulnerability assessment and a penetration test.

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation of 6–8 slides that includes speaker notes and a references slide. It must cover the following:
    • Describe at least 2 common security threats against wired and wireless devices and typical countermeasures used by corporate security teams.
    • Describe at least 2 identity and access management tools needed to measure and monitor security risks across the enterprise.
    • Explain penetration testing and vulnerability assessments and how they differ.
    • Identify the benefits of using penetration testing and vulnerability assessments relative to threats.
    • Discuss the tools available in the industry (at least 5 different tools should be discussed), and explain how they can be used to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
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