Locate at least five scholarly peer-reviewed papers and at least three industry sources such as Websites, whitepapers, o


Topic- CyberCrime

Locate at least five scholarly peer-reviewed papers and at least three industry sources such as Websites, whitepapers, or reports that contain information on others’ attempts to address or better understand the problem you identified. Your goal is to find out what knowledge is already out there related to solving or better understanding this problem. These numbers are a minimum. If you can’t/don’t get the whole picture with these eight resources.

A short recap of the problem you identified – Cybercrime.

For each reference,

The full APA-formatted citation

A summary of the major points or key takeaways related to solving or understanding the problem.

Are the annotations well-presented and helpful in understanding the state of the art in addressing the problem? Why or why not?

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