Analyze, and discuss emerging ICT tools and technologies presenting the potential to enhance policy making. Visualizatio


Chapter 7 aims to present, analyze, and discuss emerging ICT tools and technologies presenting the potential to enhance policy making. Visualization tool are discussed in Chapter 7. 

Visualization tools help users better understand data and provide a more meaningful view in context, especially by presenting data in a graphical form.

Produce a definition of data visualization. Explain how it caters to the perceptual abilities of humans. 

Describe three challenges data visualization researchers face when trying to use visualization tools to reinforce the policy-making process. Suggest solutions to conquer these three challenges.

Initial Post:
Create a new thread. As indicated above, (1) Produce a definition of data visualization. Explain how it caters to the perceptual abilities of humans.  (2) Describe three challenges data visualization researchers face when trying to use visualization tools to reinforce the policy-making process. Suggest solutions to conquer these three challenges.   

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