Develop a budget based on the fully loaded and resourced WBS. In one or two paragraphs, describe why the project is re


This is a team assignment.  Based on the scenario below, the team submits the Project Scope and the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), including a description of the project, and a brief discussion on why the product is relevant to the target audience of Japan.


You are a project manager for an international project that will produce a product (you can pick your own product) that will be used primarily in Japan.  Your team is based in the United States, but the team is dispersed globally.  The majority of the team (50%) is based in the United States, while the remainder of the team is in the following countries: South Africa (10%), Bangladesh (10%), Japan (10%), and Mongolia (20%).  Your team has 90 calendar days to develop, test, and deploy the application.  Management for the team is in the United States, but specific expertise in product development is located in Bangladesh, and the marketing expert is located in South Africa.  Your target audience for the product is a country/culture of your choice.  Your team members in Mongolia provide quality assurance and product design expertise.  Your team details are listed in Assignment 2.     


  1. Develop a project scope to determine and document the project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and schedule. Use a format of your own choice. 
  2. Develop a project WBS using MS Project or Project Libre with the following minimum features:
  3. Fewer than 25 items.
    • Project duration: 40 days (work days are M – F only). Your WBS should reflect work in hours.
    • Resources: include all team members as resources. You can use external resources as well.
    • Apply an hourly rate (cost) to all resources.
  4. Develop a budget based on the fully loaded and resourced WBS.
  5. In one or two paragraphs, describe why the project is relevant to your target audience.

For Assignment 4, provide the following:

  1. Title page with your name, assignment, date.
  2. Use the Assignment Overview above as a guide for your response.
  3. This paper should include a cover sheet. The last page will be references in APA format, if needed.

Submit your assignment through Canvas.  Submit this assignment in MS Word.  Save the document and add your name to the file name.  For example, if your name is Braden Mann, save the document as “Assignment4_PMP623_Mann”.

The assignment is due no later than 11:59PM on 13 Oct 2019.

Late Assignment Policy:

  • Submitted by 11:59PM on 14 Oct 2019: 90% maximum of total possible score
  • Submitted by 11:59PM on 20 Oct 2019: 50% maximum of total possible score
  • Submitted after 11:59PM on 20 Oct 2019: 0 points awarded
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