Identify the main point (as in ‘What’s your point?’), thesis, or conclusion of this case. (5 points) SUPPORT: Do

  1. “Lessons from the Academy: ERM Implementation in the University Setting”
    Your case study should be in your own words; quote very sparingly. Be concise. This should be a 5-7 page APA paper. You must address all section below for full credit. 
    • SUMMARY: Summarize the case. Identify the main point (as in "What's your point?"), thesis, or conclusion of this case. (5 points)
    • SUPPORT: Do significant research outside of the book and demonstrate that you have in a very obvious way. This refers to research beyond article itself. This involves something about the company/organization/individual or other interesting related area. Show something you have discovered from your own research. Be sure this is obvious and adds value beyond what is contained in the case itself. (10 points)
    • EVALUATION: Apply the concepts from the appropriate chapter. Hint: The appropriate chapter is the same number as your case. Be sure to use specific terms and models directly from the textbook in analyzing this case and include the page in the citation. (15 points)
    • QUESTIONS: Address all the case questions. Be sure to answer each question fully. (15 points)
    • SOURCES: Include citations on the slides and a reference slide with your sources. Use APA style citations and references. (5 points) The paper must be in Word and include titles corresponding to the headings above.  
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