The CEO of the startup company you are working with from Week 1 asked you to attend the executive steering committee mee

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   The CEO of the startup company you are working with from Week 1 asked you to attend the executive steering committee meeting. The committee is looking to implement a new SCM system. The manufacturing company does not currently have a SCM system and does not believe there is a need for one. The lack of having one causes the company to have occasional operational issues, which results in a loss of revenue. The executive steering committee has asked you to research the different SCM system software packages available and create a comparison chart of the different packages. They would also like you to provide a summary that will give a recommendation for what SCM system the organization should use.

Research at least four SCM system software packages.

Create a comparison chart for at least four SCM packages you researched that includes the following:







Demand Planning


Import/Export Management


Inventory Management


Shipping Management


Supplier Management


Transportation Management


Warehouse Management




Write a 1-page summary that will help the executives determine what SCM system and strategy to use that will ensure success. Be sure to include the following in your summary:


A high-level overview of the supply chain


Why each step is important to the organization


How the supply chain will help the company succeed and correct the operational issues.

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