What complications do you think may arise with implementation or managing the compliance of the act?  Privacy      A


Right to Privacy and Compliance Regulations

The United States has a number of privacy laws that affect the government’s use of information as well as the use of information by specific industries, such as financial services companies and healthcare organizations that handle sensitive information.   Select one of the following acts and summarize the law’s provisions. What complications do you think may arise with implementation or managing the compliance of the act? 

  1. Privacy      Act of 1974 
  2. Electronic      Communications Privacy Act of 1986 
  3. Communications      Assistance Law Enforcement Act of 1994 
  4. Economic      Espionage Act of 1996 
  5. Health      Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 
  6. Health      Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 
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