Based on the Spann case study, identify information that is essential to conducting your assessment and how would you obtain

Based on the Spann case study, identify information that is essential to conducting your assessment and how would you obtain the need information.

Discussions Instructions

A discussion involves responding to a prompt topic, and  to other students.

  1. To respond directly to a topic, click the "Reply" bar below the topic.
  2. To respond to an existing comment, click the "Reply" link at the bottom left of the comment you are responding to.
  3. Type your response in the Reply text box. You can use the toolbar to check for spelling (highly recommended), format your text, or add a link.
  4. When your comments are ready click on the "Post Reply" button at the bottom right.

Note:It is strongly recommended that you write your responses in a word processing program (e.g. Word, Pages, OpenOffice) and save them before copying and pasting into the Reply text box, so that you have a back-up in case of browser or connection error.

Final post must be by Sunday, November 14th, 11:59pm.    Provide meaningful  and thoughtful responses to two post from your classmates. 

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