Directions: First, watch the film documentary The Social Dilemma (on Netflix or Vimeo). Then read theOctober 2021 revelation
Directions: First, watch the film documentary The Social Dilemma (on Netflix or Vimeo). Then read theOctober 2021 revelations from Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen (also search her name in The WallStreet Journal and YouTube). After watching The Social Dilemma and searching Frances Haugen, does socialmedia have the power to jeopardize free elections? Is social media putting “profit before people” andendangering its users’ mental health? What about all the billions of users around the world? Do users have anypower to speak up about regulating social mediaabout controlling what data tech companies secretly collectand how they use our private data? Is this a free speech issue or not? Do social media insiders andwhistleblowers offer any suggestions on reforming and regulating social media? Are tech companies controllingus? Are these companies collecting and selling our private data–beyond our understanding? Note: you will beaddressing some, but not all, of these questions. The questions should help you to shape your viewpoint andnarrow your focus.