Discuss the advantages of coal fired plants. OverviewThe purpose of this assignment is to explain the advantages of coal pla

Discuss the advantages of coal fired plants.

The purpose of this assignment is to explain the advantages of coal plants over other energy generating plants.

This week you examined the nuclear power. We looked at the reactors, how the energy is generated and also advantages of both nuclear and coal.  Additionally, we looked at the future of nuclear power. Using a word processing program, answer and analyze the following questions:

Step 1  Discuss the economic reasons that have caused many utilities to opt for coal burning plants rather than nuclear powered plants.

Step 2 –Describe the two stages of nuclear waste disposal.

Step 3 – What problems are associated with the long-term containment of nuclear wastes? What is the current status of the disposal situation?
Step 4. What do you think is the future of the nuclear energy? Discuss.

Step 5  Formatting instructions:

  • Type your document
  • Double space
  • Follow APA format
  • Font should be 12 point, Times New Roman

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