Explain Berkeley™s motivation for attacking abstract ideas (and materialism) in general. Reconstruct Berkeley™s various argu

Informed Reflection: Citing, at least, THREE (3) of the sources from this module (my lectures must be one of your sources), explain Berkeley’s motivation for attacking abstract ideas (and materialism) in general. Reconstruct Berkeley’s various arguments for saying that abstract ideas are incoherent and undesirable. Describe how Berkeley explains general words and why he thinks this discussion is important in the first place. Make sure you discuss this in your own words. Don’t just summarize three sources; use the sources as evidence for your own ideas. The essay should demonstrate your understanding of the topic, not of the sources. Explain how engagement with the material altered and/or confirmed your initial thoughts on the topic. This response must be, at least, 250 words.

Self-AssessmentYou are essentially giving feedback to yourself. In your self-assessment, you will respond to your own post. After looking at some of your classmates’ reflections and/or at the constructive feedback you received, you will add to or correct your own Informed Reflection. Your assessment must be, at least, 75 words.

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