In this project, you will practice analyzing and responding to a customer service complaint, from the perspective of a Custo

In this project, you will practice analyzing and responding to a customer service complaint, from the perspective of a Customer Service Manager at KB Home (10990 Wilshire Blvd., FL 7, Los Angeles, CA 90024). Specifically, you will write a formal apology letter (500750 words) to the customer, using professional language/tone, standard formatting (use full block format), and a userfriendly structure and design. You should also review KB Homes corporate values at and download the KB Home logo ( for your letterhead.

Write a 12page formal apology letter (500750 words, singlespaced) to Ms. Fields. Your letter should: 1)

sincerely and professionally apologize for the problem, 2) explain how your management team has addressed the specific problem and how new policies and/or practices will avoid similar problems in the future, and 3) offer Ms. Fields an appropriate and attractive incentive, to regain her goodwill and keep her as a customer.

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