Nursing and Reasoning Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours This week the readings were an introduction to research and eviden

Nursing and Reasoning

Estimated time to complete: 2 Hours

This week the readings were an introduction to research and evidence based practice. Many formal research studies begin as clinical problems identified by nurses. Baccalaureate-prepared nurses should be able to identify recurring patient problems that might need to be studied. Considering this, respond to the following prompts:

  • What clinical problem do you see in your workplace that would benefit from a researched solution? 
    • Why is this a problem? 
    • What is being done now? Is it working? Why or why not? 

Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria (Read me First Section of the Course). 

Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion-if applicable. 

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