Read the case study Do Corporations Have a Responsibility to Society Beyond Maximizing Profit? The case study may be found a

Read the case study Do Corporations Have a Responsibility to Society Beyond Maximizing Profit? The case study may be found at the end of the book near the Index. The case is presented with a Pro and Con viewpoint. For Unit 4 evaluate the argument supporting the yes side of the argument. The questions are to help guide you in your writing, but you may also want to combine your approach and include other methods that you studied in the text. 

Write 2.5 to 3 pages with a reference page that contains the works cited (Minimum of 3 references). Utilize APA guidelines. 

      What can you add to the argument?

      Can you support your position with examples from either your experiences or that of others?

      Evaluate the claims.

      Are the sources credible?

      What are the media influences and biases?

      What are there fallacies surrounding this issue that appeals to emotion?

      What are other fallacies that are associated with this issue?

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