Select a person from History, who has had a known history of a mental health disorder. I have chosen (Edgar Allan Poe). Give

Select a person from History, who has had a known history of a mental health disorder. I have chosen (Edgar Allan Poe). Give background, family life, career,information and other life events. Describe the course of the disorder, the impact on personal and professional life, and to deal with the problem, relate the problems to a probable DSM-5 disorder aqnd explain your rationale. Describe outcomes and adjustments, as well as any support persons or agencies employed. The person maybe deceased or still living. 

Journal articles, Internet research, books, magazines, or other resources should be used to describe and summarize the information relevant to your subject. The paper should be 7 to 10 pages in length, typed or printed from word processor (double-spaced, 12 point type).  Review and integrate your 
findings into a coherent summary. Please follow APA format to the greatest extent possible. You must include a cover page and a bibliography and be sure to cite all sources. 

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