The purpose of this assignment is for you to familiarize yourself with Atlantic Creoles in the age of revolutions.  1)An int

The purpose of this assignment is for you to familiarize yourself with Atlantic Creoles in the age of revolutions. 

1)An introduction to the book and its author.

2)A critique of the book’s overall argument(s).

3)A critique of the author’s use of sources.

4)A summary of the book’s overall content. This can include

a brief discussion of each chapteror a

focus on specific chapters that represent the major themes of the book.

5)A conclusion in which you discuss how the book relates to at least one 

central theme of the course.( African experiences And The transatlantic slave trade effects on migration )

6)The use of specific examples(i.e. evidence)from the book.

7)An organized structure, clear/coherent writing, and proper citation.

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