This discussion addresses many new trends in organizational culture.  At the root of these trends are philosophical/spiritua

This discussion addresses many new trends in organizational culture.  At the root of these trends are philosophical/spiritual worldviews such as Postmodernism.  To truly be an effective leader in todays society, Christians must understand a Christ-centered perspective on these worldviews, and moreover, to explain to a lost world how Christ alone can meet the needs that these worldviews attempt to meet. 

  • Refer Chapter 9, 13, and 15 of the textbook by Yukl
  • Refer to WK5 Presentation
  • Be prepared to discuss these points:
    • What is a Christ-centered perspective on differing worldviews?
    • How can we draw others to Christ through a biblical worldview?
    • How does a secular worldview attempt to meet peoples needs?
    • What is the difference between Gods good and mans good?

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