Use two of the resources attached to answer the following question. There is an example paper attached. Lets think more dee

Use two of the resources attached to answer the following question. There is an example paper attached.
Lets think more deeply about this notion of who (what individuals, institutions, etc.) has the authority and responsibility to educate (or school two very different notions) a society.  Move beyond that which you know about constitutional guarantees, state and federal influence and participation, issues of local control, etc.; this isnt a question about whats already in place in this country or your locale.  Think philosophically about this idea; where should this responsibility lie and why?  How do you know?  Whats your rationale?  Why is that just, fair and equitable (if those are even goals we should be aspiring to in educating or schooling a society)? And… why should anyone besides educators care about this? What are the implications in a larger contextual sense?

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