Write a one-page report of each model Chapter 4 Translation Model/ Chapter 5 Anthropological Mode/ Chapter 6: The practic
Write a one-page report of each model
Chapter 4 Translation Model/
Chapter 5 Anthropological Mode/
Chapter 6: The practical/Praxis Model/
Chapter 7: The synthetic model.
Chapter 8: Transcendental Model
Chapter 9: The Countercultural Model
On what you consider the pros and the cons of the models. Inthe report, start out by summarizing key issues of the model in your own words, and then, in a second part,reflect how this model should be considered in your church and mission context.
Reflection: How have you (or your church) been using thismodel. What is your experience in applying each model? What are its advantagesand disadvantages? Try to expand a little more. (In summary, Use your own wordsnot copying from other others)