You will complete an annotated bibliography on a topic related to drugs and behavior of your choice within the annotated bib

You will complete an annotated bibliography on a topic related to drugs and behavior of your choice within the annotated bib you will review 8 articles (1 pg. each) and summarize the findings of all 8 articles in a page or so at the end. (see rubric for specific scoring criteria)

APA Style 

  • Individual summarization of 8 peer revised journal articles 

  • Overall analysis/synthesis of research (200-300 words) per article

  • Specify the general content of article, importance of that information, perceived validity of information (is the article conducted correctly), and generality of the article

  • Summarize and synthesize the information in a final series of paragraphsGrammar/Spelling/sentence level conventions

    3rd person writing style only!

    Do not write me or I at all in the paper!


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