Introduction Throughout this course, you have learned what steps you will need to take to put together a successful team. You will use your knowledge about each ste


Throughout this course, you have learned what steps you will need to take to put together a successful team. You will use your knowledge about each step of the team-building process and its significance in a final report for your VP. You will explain what makes teams important and effective. This assignment gives you an opportunity to analyze your leadership potential while applying business writing skills.


Your VP has asked you to create a 5–7 member team that you will lead for a new product or service the company is introducing. You have taken steps throughout your course to begin building your team. You will deliver a business report to your VP for your final team proposal.


Write a 3–4 page report to the Vice President to include the following sections:

1. Title Page

Include a title page with the following information:Project name.Date.Prepared by: your first and last name.Prepared for: your VP first and last name.Company name.

2. Introduction

Your introduction should be 1–2 paragraphs summarizing what you will cover in the report as well as your reason for writing the report. Be as specific and concise as possible when writing your introduction so that the reader can clearly understand what they will find in your report.

3. Body

The body of the report will include three labelled sections:Envisioning the Team Based on the Week 3 assignment and feedback, describe your team's purpose, its roles, and critical skills. Include the following:The team purpose statement (the shared goal).The specific roles that will make up your team and what each is responsible for. That includes description of responsibilities and the types of tasks each member performs.The skills/traits each role will require and why those are critical.Picking Your PeopleDescribe your plans for researching, recruiting, and evaluating the best candidates. Don't forget to review the Week 5 assignment on evaluating candidates and the instructor feedback. Support your rationale with examples and references from course resources. Use the following suggestions to get started:Share your scouting techniques to recruit for the team members.Share your plan to research applicants or potential candidates, including the supporting rationale.Share how you will attract and persuade the most valuable candidates to join your team.Provide examples of key roles on your team and explain the evaluation or testing recommended for those roles and why those are appropriate.Leading an Effective TeamExplain what makes the team and you as a member of your own team effective. Include the following:Identify and explain four characteristics that will be important for your team to be effective and successful and why those are key. Provide support for your points from course resources.As a member of your own team explain strategies you will use to be the leader your team needs. Provide support from course resources and your DiSC assessment.Consider strategies for increasing team effectiveness.Think about what you learned about your personality traits from the DiSC assessment and complementary strengths in your team members.

4. Conclusion

Summarize the findings or results discussed in the report and reiterate the most important recommendations.

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