Personal Reflection: Problem Solving in the Workplace It is important for students to understand how their curriculum is applied to real-world workplace environment

Personal Reflection: Problem Solving in the Workplace

It is important for students to understand how their curriculum is applied to real-world workplace environments. How what you are studying can or will benefit you in your current, or future, career. For this assignment, you will need to review your program’s curriculum and goals and compare that to your current job/internship (if unemployed, reflect on a job/career that you desire to obtain in the future). To complete the assignment, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Review your program’s goals and curriculum on the UC Webpage and the UC Graduate Course Catalog:
  1. Reflect on (research, if needed) your current (or future) job duties and responsibilities.

Assignment Details: Part 1 – Identify a Problem

  • Problem-solving starts by being able to identify existing problems, gaps in service, inefficient systems/processes, flawed policies, or any other areas of our job/career where improvement is needed. Identify a problem or gap at your workplace and explain why/how this problem exists.

Part 2 – Solve the Problem

  • Use the knowledge that you’ve learned in the program (or hope to learn in a future course) to implement a plan to solve the problem.

Grading Expectations:

  •  Fully answer both parts of the assignment.
  • Word requirement: 400-500 words

*Please include your Program details ( PHDIT) in the reflection and also include your job details (job title and employer, if available). 

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