Project Status Report Template.  Each group will prepare a project status report template.  The templates will be evaluated against several criteria, including: Gen

Project Status Report Template. 

Each group will prepare a project status report template.  The templates will be evaluated against several criteria, including:

General information – does the status report provide general information about the project, who prepared the report, the start and end dates of the project, and the reporting period for the status report.

Overall Project Status – is it easy for the reader to discern the overall status of the project health as it relates to project objectives and constraints? 

Work – is it easy for the reader to know how much work (e.g., WBS elements) has been accomplished as it relates to the scope baseline?  Does it show what work is planned to be accomplished in the next reporting period?

Schedule – is it easy for the reader to understand, using metrics such as SPI or SV or other measures, the status of the project as it relates to the schedule baseline.  Are milestones listed and do they show the planned versus actual start dates?

Budget – Is the project adhering to the cost baseline? 

Issues and active risks – Is it easy for the reader to understand and appreciate project risks and/or any new issues (unknown unknowns) that are under the watchful eye of the project team?

Key Performance Indicators – does the status report show key project performance indicators that are used by the organization to compare with other projects in a balanced scorecard format?

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