Read the Case Study ‘Enhancing the In-Store Experience through Facial Recognition Software’ on page 489. In a two-page assignment discuss how the technologies menti

Read the Case Study "Enhancing the In-Store Experience through Facial Recognition Software" on page 489. In a two-page assignment discuss how the technologies mentioned in this case study aid retail buyers, merchandisers, and marketers in merchandising planning objectives to better manage the in-store experience. What other technological advancements or management software systems are being used to help make merchandising management more effective and efficient; provide authentic examples from your research. Your assignment should relate to concepts discussed in your textbook, as well as other scholarly resources.Enhancing the In-Store Experience Through Facial Recognition Software (Module Six)

This case study allows you to apply merchandise planning and management concepts learned throughout the module. You will discuss how the technologies mentioned in this case study aid retail buyers, merchandisers, and marketers in merchandise planning objectives to better manage the in-store experience.

***Requirements of Submission: The case studies must follow these guidelines: approximately two pages in length, double spaced, 2-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-style citations.****

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