Recall a group project in which you have been involved through work or school. Did your group primarily use sequential or parallel processes? Explain why. Using wha

Answer every question with minimum of 300 words. Please provide references after each answer.

1.Recall a group project in which you have been involved through work or school. Did your group primarily use sequential or parallel processes? Explain why. Using what you know about parallel process, are there some industries or projects in which implementing this process would not be possible or effective? Provide an example to justify your opinion.

2.Compare the pros and cons of co-location. Provide an example of a project for which virtual teams would be inappropriate. Include specific reasons why the virtual team would not be effective in your example project.

3, Discuss factors that should influence a firm's pricing strategy. Conduct research and locate a journal article to support your answer. Provide a specific example to support your ideas.

4, Select a product with which you are familiar. Discuss the intermediaries you think were used in bringing the product to market. Specify the services you think each of the intermediaries provided and explain why that service was valuable in bringing the product to market.

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