Select and research ONE of the following companies that has been in the news for an ethical dilemma. Prepare a PowerPoint about this company’s ethical dilemma and r


Select and research ONE of the following companies that has been in the news for an ethical dilemma. Prepare a PowerPoint about this company's ethical dilemma and resulting ethical failure, according to the following instructions.

CHOOSE ONE OF THESE COMPANIES/ISSUES: The Links are a factual starting point for your information and further research.

1. Boeing – 737 MAX-8 Jet death crashes. 

2. Purdue Pharma – opioid crisis, deceptive marketing. 


  • Title slide with your name, course, date, school, title of presentation;
  • Agenda slide – This lists the key points covered in the PPT;
  • Content slides containing bullet points information with illustrations, diagrams, pictures, graphics etc., as appropriate to the slide's content;
  • Speaker's notes on each slide – either text presented in the Speaker Notes section at the bottom of the slides or Audio through your Voice speaking (or both); (Note: Speaker's Notes are not duplication of the text on the slides. They are explanatory narrative.)
  1. Identify the company you selected;
  • explain the company and its industry;
  • provide the factual background of the problem; and
  • clearly state the ethical dilemma presented by the situation. There should be only ONE ethical dilemma. The company had two choices: the act it chose and an alternative it did not do.

3. Identify and define at least one ethical framework that the company apparently employed in making its decision. Note — Not "Should have used." It is not acceptable to say it did not act ethically or did not use a framework. Analyze it. Frameworks include utilitarianism, free market ethics, deontology, virtue ethics , etc., covered in your course readings.

4. Then, identify and define at least one ethical framework that the company should have used when the problem arose, and explain how to apply it for them to have reached a better result than what actually happened. Be clear.

5. Identify and explain measures the company should implement to avoid this type of problem in the future.

6. Within your discussion include whether the company had a code of ethics or policy that seemed to apply to the situation, and if so, what went wrong with that?

7. Explain what business leadership in any company can learn from this situation.

8. Have a conclusion that wraps up the key points.

9. Include a Reference slide with at least seven (7) credible sources listed in APA format. (NOTE: Sources must be cited in slides and speaker's notes for direct quotes, specific facts and graphics, same as in a paper, per APA format. If you are doing audio speaker notes, you would mention the source in your speaking narrative.) (Reminder; we are using APA 7th Ed. format.)

10. Your PPT should have a professional slide background and graphics on each slide. 


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