Students will assess actual security breaches and think critically about the cause, impact, continuity, and prevention of these malicious attacks. In Target’s 2013


Students will assess actual security breaches and think critically about the cause, impact, continuity, and prevention of these malicious attacks.

In Target's 2013 holiday data breach and cyber-attack, data belonging to millions of customers was disclosed. The hackers in the Target attack used legitimate credentials to initially enter the system. In 500 words or more, address social engineering and the most likely way the attackers used valid credentials to achieve their hack, and how the rather significant planning failed to protect the company. What elements of a detailed strategic operational plan were missed by Target?

This assignment requires the use of at least two additional scholarly research sources published within the last 5 years. Include at least one in-text citation from each cited source.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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