The board of directors at AGC needs a status update on your change management project. Shawn asks you to write an executive report for John and the board of directo

 Deliverable Length:  750 words

Part 1:

The board of directors at AGC needs a status update on your change management project. Shawn asks you to write an executive report for John and the board of directors about the change management process and the progress being made toward resolving the global human capital management problems at AGC. This report will be shared at an upcoming investor meeting. Because the future success of AGC depends on achieving its human capital management goals, the board of directors wants to ensure that investors understand that it has changed its strategy to align human capital goals with its organizational goals.

Review the AGC scenario for this course and prepare a 750–1000 word executive report that describes the steps in your change management plan, including the following:

  • Diagnosis: A summary of AGC’s problems, how they were diagnosed, and your conclusions regarding the root causes.
  • Intervention: A description of human capital management strategies that you recommended to create change at AGC and how they were implemented.
  • Evaluation: How did you measure the effectiveness of your change management plan? What were the effects on the employees and the organization’s market performance?
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