The Progressive era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as

The Progressive era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women's suffrage and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums. 

In order to prepare for this discussion forum:

After you have completed your readings post a response to only ONE of the following questions.

  1. Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. In your opinion, which of these two men had a better plan? Explain why.
  2.  When it came to the issue of suffrage, did all women agree?  Explain.  
  3.  Which social problem was Jacob Riis addressing through his work?  How did he communicate the severity of this problem?  

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