What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated? What evidence from the literature supports the techn


The Assignment

What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated?

  • What evidence from the literature supports the techniques demonstrated? 
  • What did you notice that the therapist did well?
  • Explain something that you would have handled differently.
  • What is an insight that you gained from watching the therapist handle the group therapy?
  • Now imagine you are leading your own group session. How would you go about handling a difficult situation with a disruptive group member? How would you elicit participation in your group? What would you anticipate finding in the different phases of group therapy? What do you see as the benefits and challenges of group therapy?  
  • Support your reasoning with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources, and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.
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