MobileGo Project Recovery


MobileGo Project Recovery

The project management office or project office (PMO) is concerned that the MobileGo project is behind schedule and in danger of being late. Assume that a project meeting has been scheduled so that you and your project team can propose a course of action to reduce the project schedule. The PMO has provided your team with   .To prepare for this PMO meeting, carry out the following:

  1. Analyze the data provided in the spreadsheet, and calculate at least two options for crashing the schedule.
  2. Identify likely risks associated with your revised schedule as well as your strategy for their mitigation.
  3. Evaluate concerns associated with the motivation of the team given the increase in project complexity, the additional overtime, and the high-pressure environment that the team is likely to face.
  4. Explain the steps you will take as project manager to hold the team together and keep it functioning despite the difficulty.

Complete the crash calculations and options in a Word or Excel document, append it as an appendix after your PowerPoint (PPT) presentation reference list, and submit it for grading. In addition to creating a PowerPoint presentation of at least 10 slides that explains your crash plan as well as your overall plan to successfully lead the team to the finish line.Appendices, other supporting materials etc. are added after your reference list. Appendices are labelled, for example, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, etc. Each appendix starts on a page of its own. Appendices and other supporting materials should not be submitted separately in the Blackboard.Use at least three outside sources to support your recommendations for improvement. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following proper APA Style.You must either use speaker notes or audio to fully explain your slides. Be sure to elaborate in your speaker notes or audio; do not simply repeat the text from your slides. 

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