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Your Recommended Social Media Team

Your Ideal Social Media Team

Imagine you are a manager at an organization that did not currently have any in-house social media staffing and did not engage in any outside sources or consulting. You have now been tasked to build a social media team/department. Describe what your recommendations for the roles, staffing, tools, policies, etc. to run and manage social media for the organization.

If it helps you to provide context of the size of the organization (e.g.: small non-profit vs. large corporation), you may state a general size of the company or use one of your organizations; however, this assignment is to reflect YOUR THOUGHTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, NOT REPORT WHAT A NAMED COMPANY IS CURRENTLY DOING.

You also do not have to worry about providing any kind of budget or cost numbers; but remember the size/roles of the team typically has a relationship to the kind and size of organization.

A few thought-starters (you may or may not choose to use this list):

· What roles would you hire? What would be the responsibilities for each (high-level)?

· What tools and other resources would you desire? Provide a description of why you would need them, and the tasks the tools would be used for.

· What types of rules and policies would you recommend the organization put in place?

· Would you outsource any activities or roles? Why or why not?

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