Information system and information technology on apple inc.


need to write three section on a case study as follows ON APPLE INC:

1)  Existing Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications (those currently in place or already being provisioned in the near future)

2Required Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications (those investments identified as essential to achieve the existing business objectives and create changes that can achieve required levels of performance or be shown to make a specific contribution to enabling or delivering the future business strategy, likely over a 3 to 12 month horizon), 

3) Potential Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Applications (those that might be valuable in the future, provided they prove feasible to deliver and can be shown to produce relevant benefits, either to the strategy directly by creating new strategic opportunities or via the valuable indirect effects of business changes the applications make possible, over probably the next 6 to 24 months). 

Note: For the Required Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications and the Potential Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Applications, you must identify a minimum of three required and three potential IS/IT applications.    

Please construct a Word document (times new roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, APA 7th edition in-text citations and end references). Please add additional sources to your References page. When complete, upload your document (it must include all sections – so you will have a total of five for this submission) to Canvas using the appropriate link (you can upload it as many times as you want up to the deadline noting that the last submission will be graded. All uploads will be checked against SimCheck (a plagiarism tool). 

The below SimCheck criteria will be used as one of the grading criteria for your waypoint.

  • If your SimCheck score is 15% or less, you will start with the maximum possible points available.
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