This paper involved writing a statement of intent to becoming a Secondary (High School 9th-gradel) Algebra 1 Teacher. Everything written must pertain to this profession and position. There must be at least 2-4 References and please no Plagiarism. This essay must be in APA format. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Write a 500-750 word statement of intent as an educator that addresses the following:
· A brief description of your vision on how you will continue to grow professionally. For instance, meeting additional requirements for certification, obtaining additional endorsements or degrees, or joining professional organizations to enhance networking and knowledge in the field of education.
· As a professional, how will you embrace challenges and changes effectively. Discuss how you will stay current with best practices in your field.
· A statement regarding the ethical and responsible use and maintenance of student-related information.
· Compare your expectations of the teaching profession with the experiences shared by others who are currently or have been in the field.
Support this assignment with 2-4 resources.
When writing in APA style, it is important that your analysis is written in third person. Writing in third person helps with clarity and conciseness throughout your paper. However, some instances writing in first person is acceptable and should be used sparingly.