
Module 4 Discussion Post and instructions

After the Charleston, South Carolina shooting in 2015, Mitch Landrieu, Mayor of New Orleans, proposed to the city council that Confederate statues be removed from the city. Following court rulings in favor of the council, Landrieu gave a speech challenging the city to move forward to remove the monuments and lead New Orleans forward in reconciliation. 

For this discussion, you will not be arguing a position on this contemporary issue. Instead, you will be assuming the role of a change vision communication consultant. Using  Communicating the Change Vision as a guide, you will assess Landrieu’s 2017 speech for effectiveness. Make sure you respond to each prompt, give specific examples in your assessment of the seven elements, and use level one headings for each of the prompts.

· According to Kotter, "That shared sense of a desirable future can help motivate and coordinate the kinds of actions that create transformations." Is the Landrieu speech consistent or inconsistent with this premise? How or how not?

· Which of the "Key Elements in the Effective Communication of Vision"  can you identify in the speech? Give examples. What is the impact of the presence of those elements in the speech? Be specific.


· Simplicity

· Metaphor, analogy, and example

· Multiple forums

· Repetition

· Leadership by example

· Explanation of inconsistencies

· Give-and-take

· Is the Landrieu speech effective in its purpose to cast vision for a different kind of  future for New Orleans and beyond? From what you have learned, what would make the speech stronger?

DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONSThe student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words responding to each prompt and demonstrating course-related knowledge with at least 2 scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals, 1 citation from the text, and one biblical integration all in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years.

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