Software System Design jan 18

Assignment Content

  1. We spent a large amount of time in class talking about “good” systems and “not so good” systems…and we saw some of the characteristics of each…and I am sure (at least I hope) that while we discussing it, you were thinking of systems that you think are good, and those that you think are not so good…

    So for this assignment, I want you to tell me one system that you think is good, and one system that you think is not so good…if it is a website, include the link…tell me SPECIFICALLY why you think the system is good or not so good…and tell me how you would improve on what they have…

    And I know your next question…how long does this assignment have to be?…well, I am not really into counting words…but just to give you some perspective, I would say that by the time you are done, you should have a least one full page and maybe two full pages…if you wrote half a page, you probably wrote too little…if you wrote 5 full pages, you wrote too much…as I always tell my classes – just write!…and before you know it, you will have 1 to 2 pages…

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