Discussion Thread: Learning and Assessing HRD Needs

Develop a post in response to the discussion question chosen. Post must contain 400500 original words and adhere to the following: Include an analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the topic. Include a reference and in-text citations for the course textbook. Include a reference and in-text citations for at least one article from a peer-reviewed journal, published within the past five years. Include a reference and in-text citations for the Bible. Include an assessment/analysis of your Christian worldview as it relates to the topic. Include both in-text citations and references in APA format. Utilize correct English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Include clear topic sentences for each paragraph, supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence/paragraph. 

QUESTION CHOSEN:  Research by David Kolb and others suggests that individuals have different learning styles. How would a manager who has a convergent learning style and a manager who has a divergent learning style differ in their approach to learning? Suppose you are going to conduct training sessions designed to teach managers how to give feedback to subordinates. These 2 managers are scheduled to participate. What might you do (if anything) to handle their style differences to ensure that both of them learn the material you present? 


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