
SD005: Factors That Can Impact Children’s Social-Emotional Development and Behavior: Explain how factors can influence children’s social-emotional development and behavior.

Written Response Submission Form

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Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.

Item 1

Author Dan Gartrell makes the statement that it is “hard to overestimate the impact of societal violence on children” (2014, p. 437). Explain the concept of societal violence and possible results that could negatively affect children’s social-emotional development. (1-2 paragraphs)

Your Response

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Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Risk Factors That May Influence Social-Emotional Development and Impact Behaviors

Explain the concept of societal violence and possible results that could negatively affect children’s social-emotional development.

LO1: Explain the concept of societal violence and possible results that could negatively affect children’s social-emotional development.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 2

Define trauma, incorporating an example that relates to young children’s social-emotional development.

(1 paragraph)

Your Response

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Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Risk Factors That May Influence Social-Emotional Development and Impact Behaviors

Define trauma, incorporating an example that relates to young children’s social-emotional development.

LO2: Define trauma as it relates to young children’s social-emotional development.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 3

Explain how trauma and toxic stress may impact an infant’s ability to form healthy attachments. (1–2 paragraphs)

Your Response

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Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Risk Factors That May Influence Social-Emotional Development and Impact Behaviors

Explain how trauma and toxic stress may impact an infant’s ability to form healthy attachments.

LO3: Explain how trauma and toxic stress may impact an infant’s ability to form healthy attachments.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 4

Explain the feelings and/or behaviors you might expect to observe in a young child who is separated from a loved one through family separation or death. (1 paragraph)

Your Response

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Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Risk Factors That May Influence Social-Emotional Development and Impact Behaviors

Explain the feelings and/or behaviors you might expect to observe in a young child who is separated from a loved one through family separation or death.

LO4: Explain the feelings and/or behaviors young children separated from a loved one through family separation or death might exhibit.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 5

Though not all children are affected in similar ways, explain some of the feelings and/or behaviors you might expect to observe when young children are exposed to violence indirectly through media, and directly within their homes or communities. (1-2 paragraphs)

Your Response

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Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Topic 1: Risk Factors That May Influence Social-Emotional Development and Impact Behaviors

Though not all children are affected in similar ways, explain some of the feelings and/or behaviors you might expect to observe when young children are exposed to violence indirectly through media, and directly within their homes or communities.

LO5: Explain feelings and/or behaviors young children may exhibit when exposed to violence indirectly through media, and directly within their homes or communities.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete.

Item 6

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