Patient: Julia Jackson


Julia Jackson is an 84-year-old woman who presents to the Emergency room with severe abdominal pain, especially in the left lower quadrant. An abdominal CT was ordered, and it found that there is a 5cm mass in the lower sigmoid colon with fecal impaction.

The patient was admitted to the Med/Surg floor for treatment and resolution of fecal impaction. An oncology consult order was entered. The patient stated she has abdominal pain of 8 out of 10.

  • Create a presentation that lasts 3- 5 minutes. 
  • Briefly describe the patient you have been assigned 
  • Describe the patients problem 
  • As the RN how could teamwork and collaboration benefit this patient and help them reach a positive outcome? 
  • Identify 2 other healthcare professionals that would be appropriate to collaborate with and why. 
  • What would be the two outcomes for this patient related to the reason for collaboration with the identified 2 healthcare professionals? The outcomes should be formatted as patient-centered, measurable, and time-limited. 
  • Add speaker notes to each slide.
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