presenting data DP


For your Unit 4 Discussion Board, select a single topic to work with for your DB4, IP4 and IP5 assignments. This is the beginning of your Research Methods project for this course

You begin in DB4 by selecting your topic and then writing a “” that analyzes why it is a problematic issue in criminal justice that needs to be addressed. It will be helpful to select a topic that you are passionate about because you will spend a lot of time researching it. If you do not know what topic to select, then here are some suggestions (not all inclusive) for you to consider:

Racial Profiling 


Your DB4 problem statement should discuss or bring into focus the issue(s) that you have identified. Below are some sample questions to jumpstart your creativity. You do not have to answer all of these questions:

  • Identify the issue. Why is it a problem? Why is it important to be addressed in the Criminal Justice system?
  • How or why is the issue impacting the community, law enforcement, court cases, correctional operations, or parole administration?
  • Do laws and/or policies need to be created or changed to fix the identified problem(s)?
    • Specifically, is the problem a policy issue or a legislative issue? What is the difference between policies and laws?
  • Does the issue increase recidivism rates? How or why?
  • Is there a hiring issue or a training issue for Criminal Justice personnel?
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