Research Question #8


One hallmark of professionalism is self-reflection. The ability to reflect back on your learning will allow you to continue to synthesize new learning with current knowledge. Please review the course objectives in the Syllabus. Reflect upon your learning in this course and describe in detail how you have met each of the course objectives. 

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

 Course Learning Outcomes After this course, you will be able to: 1. Articulate the role of research in the development of nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice. 2. Describe the basic concepts, techniques, and methodologies underlying the research process and their application in the study of nursing problems. 3. Identify researchable clinical nursing problems with the purpose of improving patient outcomes. 4. Use information technology to retrieve hierarchical levels of evidence that addresses clinical questions. 5. Utilize effective critical thinking and written communication skills in the critique of research for applicability to nursing practice. 6. Integrate research findings into nursing practice to meet the changing needs of clients and professional nursing. 7. Describe current research priorities in nursing. 8. Identify legal, ethical and cultural considerations in research that involves human subjects. 

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