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CTC301 – Professional Success Seminar

Unit 6 Assignment: Professional Associations

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 6 Points: 40


In this assignment, you will explore and identify value in professional associations related to your career field. First, consider the top occupational choice you are interested in and search for professional associations linked to this industry.

To help you, you may want to explore the following resources:

• What Are Professional Associations?

• Find Professional Associations


After completing your research, answer the following questions:

1. What is your top occupational choice at this time?

2. Explore two (2) professional associations linked to the industry.

3. Give a brief description of the associations and how you think they may be

helpful in your career exploration and development.

• Find out what the fees are for signing up and if they provide any discounts for


• Are there any upcoming conferences being sponsored by the association? If

so, when, where, and how much is registration? Are you considering

attending them?

Honors students are expected to join an association as a student member, allowing them to conduct more independent research to identify networking opportunities and make connections in their career field. Honors students will describe how their membership will enhance their professional skills and brand.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

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Evaluation Rubric for Professional Associations Assignment

CRITERIA Needs Improvement Satisfactory Proficient

(0–5 points) (6–7 points) (8–10 points)

Professional Association- Research

The organization and flow of the assignment do not adequately address assignment goals.

The organization and flow of the assignment are reasonable, indicating adequate research and an understanding of the assignment goals.

The organization and flow of the assignment are logical, indicating adequate research and understanding of the assignment goals.

Professional Association- Description

The description is incomprehensive, with several missing components.

The description is fairly well written and contains most of the components required to provide sufficient context.

The description is comprehensive and contains all the components required to provide sufficient context.

Professional Association- Relevance to Career Choice

The explanation lacks an understanding of the significance of a career choice and its implications on future career path and development.

The explanation demonstrates a fair understanding of the significance of a career choice and its implications on future career path and development.

The explanation demonstrates a clear understanding of the significance of a career choice and its implications on future career path and development.

Clear and Professional Writing

Errors impede professional presentation.

Few errors contained are beginning to impede professional presentation.

Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.

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