Discussion number 2

The global business environment is constantly evolving based on the forces in the general and task environment. In order to sustain the company and maintain a competitive foothold, organization leaders must consistently analyze the global environment and adjust their strategy as needed. Managers play an important role in implementing strategies to achieve a companys mission and goals. 

Research a company with stockholder (annual) reports available. These reports can usually be found on a companys website. Use the report to answer the following questions:

  • What is (are) the main industry(ies) in which the company competes?
  • What business-level strategy does the company seem to be pursuing in this industry? Why?
  • What corporate-level strategies is the company pursuing? Why?
  • Have there been any major changes in its strategy recently? Why?


Share how your understanding of the above questions can apply to a SWOT analysis. (For example, if you recognize that a major change in strategy revolves around expanding into foreign markets, that relates to the opportunities component of a SWOT analysis.)

Your total response should be a minimum of 175 words.

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