Discuss and define each of the three hazards

Answer the following in 1-2 pages:

  1. Discuss and define each of the three hazards
  2. Give examples of each hazard
  3. Explain and give specific examples to when, where, why, and how nurses may potentially be exposed to these hazards
  4. Give examples in which the patient may be exposed to these hazards — 5

Total Points                                                            5

Nursing staff have direct patient contact and therefore exposed to various health hazards. For example, nurses confront such potential hazards as exposure to infectious diseases and toxic substances, back injuries, radiation exposure and stress. They may also be exposed to cleaners and disinfectants that can cause rashes and eye and throat irritation and to infectious diseases such as hepatitis from hypodermic needles that have not been properly discarded. Despite this diversity of occupations and exposures, healthcare hazards can be divided into three categories:

  • Physical hazards
  • Chemical hazards
  • Biological hazards

By being aware of these three categories and following the policies and procedures for the organization, you can prevent injuries and illness. Answer the following in 1-2 pages:

  1. Discuss and define each of the three hazards
  2. Give examples of each hazard
  3. Explain and give specific examples to when, where, why, and how nurses may potentially be exposed to these hazards
  4. Give examples in which the patient may be exposed to these hazards

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