Fundamental Concepts in Applied Anthropology

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Fundamental Concepts in Applied Anthropology


The contributors in this volume aim to establish the framework for a more flexible scope in the study and application of anthropology. Particularly, the ensuing analysis examines how a section of the research article in this volume relates to the specific concepts of applied anthropology.

Use of Anthropology in Solving Problems in Society

Currently, the discipline is applicable in various fields to solve multiple societal problems. For instance, the majority of the graduates in the United States work in areas not related to Anthropology. (Kedia and van Willigen) Notes that majority of the MA and Ph.D. graduates work in areas outside the Anthropology academia.

Additionally, (Baba, 1994) points out that various internal and external factors contribute to this trend. Accordingly, some issues raised relate to the ineffective preparation of graduates by departments and organizations to acquire practical skills in the market environment (Guerrón-Montero,1). Therefore, scholars should put more emphasis on the training that focuses on offering solutions to the market and other social issues for the subject to remain relevant.

Anthropology is applicable in solving real problems in society in various sectors like government, NGOs and market issues. Anthropologists use theoretical frameworks to solve these problems that are usually out of the scope of the discipline. Therefore, the contributors to the concept above are justified in showing the impact of anthropology in the society.

The relationship between Theoretical and Practical Anthropology

There should be a mutual connection between the theoretical aspects of anthropology with the practical applications of the subject. As (Goldschmidt) observes, the relationship between these two branches has been successful and fruitful over the years confirming the rationale for the association between the two sides (Guerrón-Montero,3). Notably, the two sections of anthropology developed together sharing similar methods and professionals in the field despite numerous demands required in the practical anthropology. However, Ferraro notes that there are glaring differences in the attention and recognition accorded to the practical anthropology like the theoretical anthropology(Guerrón-Montero,2). Also, Stocking notes that the impact of the cold war in the divide between the practical and theoretical anthropology has been the source of the strained relations between the two sectors of anthropology.

The frameworks and theories in the study of anthropology form the basis in which policymakers base their decision in solving practical problems in society. The concept shows the mutual dependence of the two sections of anthropology in academia and society as a whole.

Contemporary Trends in Anthropology

Recent studies delved into the examination of practical ways to accommodate the theoretical aspects in the modern world. Various scholars discuss how the transformations in the field of applied anthropology will affect the scope of the discipline in the future. Accordingly, the changes in the subject are both external and external. For instance, the external factors include economic and demographic structures in society (Guerrón-Montero,5).

Conversely, the internal factors in the transformation of anthropology include the interdisciplinary relations and changing trends in the study of the subject. Notably, Kedia examines the trends in the contemporary job markets and how professionals in the anthropology sector are filling the required gaps. Accordingly, the current trends are shifting from studies and applications from roles of anthropology to methods and goals of anthropologists in the society. Also, the studies reveal the use of modern and sophisticated technology in conducting research that will change the scope and process of learning and applying anthropology.

Recent innovations in technology will have a significant impact on the research and analysis of various disciplines related to anthropology. The concept refers to the new transforms into the expected results and differences in future applications.

Works Cited

Guerrón-Montero, Carla. “Introduction: Preparing Anthropologists For The 21st Century”. NAPA Bulletin, Vol 29, no. 1, 2008, pp. 1-13. Wiley


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