
 Case study

  1. Your chosen disease/condition (Hyperthyroidism).
  2. Population most affected (ex: Older Adults, Middle Adults, Young Adults, Teenagers, Child, Infants)
  3. Age related milestone for your chosen population
  4. Socio-Demographic/Risk factors for getting the disease/condition (Hyperthyroidism)
  5. Impact on Quality Of Life
  6. Current/new/recent research/EBP that will benefit/support this patient with the specific disease (Hyperthyroidism) (If there are none please state so)
  7. Recommendation for treatment or Gold standards for treatment for (Hyperthyroidism) if any (can be tied into the current research as above) (If there are no gold standards then please state so, but there should be some recommendations) use CDC recommendations of treatment for (Hyperthyroidism).
  8. Please tell what/how you (speak in the first person) as the Family Nurse Practitioner caring for this patient with this specific disease can make a difference in his/her care and incorporate patient care/self-help teaching that can help him/her minimize disease symptoms.  Education on treatment and prevention of (Hyperthyroidism).
  9. Red flags for this condition (what specific Sings /Symptoms require urgent/Emergency Room care) or when should you refer patient to specialist.

     Use APA style, correct grammar, and less than 5 years scholarly article for references. Again, please follow the directions of what I am looking for and keep it to the point, as simple/concise as possible, no more than 4 pages.


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