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Usually, when instructors lecture about Sexually Transmitted Infections during an in-person course, they talk about some surprising facts about STI’s in addition to the standard facts and photos about them. For this discussion forum, I want you to look through the facts and pictures in the textbook and Learning Objects on STI’s/HIV/AIDS and find THREE facts that surprised you about any of the STI’s presented. For each of the facts you choose, I want you to do the following:

1) Describe each “surprising fact” (it doesn’t have to be surprising to anyone but you, fyi). Be sure to name the STI(s) that it might be associated with and provide a detailed description of the thing that surprised you. It doesn’t have to be an infection itself — it can be a fact, a piece of history, a trend, disturbing scientific fact, etc.

2) For each “surprising fact”, also describe the population of people that should know more about this — be specific. Demographic categories such as Gender, Age, socio-economic group, ethnicity, region, country, education level??? Why should this group of people know more about the “surprising fact” that you’ve chosen.

3) Anything else you can think of? Other thoughts??


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