What causes humans to be lactose intolerant?
HED 230 Consumer Health Professor Yuliya Shneyderman
Research paper
First draft for peer review: 3/22/18 (5 points) Worth 50 points (25% of final grade)
Rough draft due date: 4/12/18 (5 points)
Final revised draft due date: 5/3/18 (40 points)
You will write a scientifically-based research paper on a consumer health topic of your choice. You may pick any topic that you see covered on the syllabus or another consumer health topic that can be answered through research. I will approve all topics on 2/15/18. Some sample questions include:
· Does taking antioxidant supplements reduce the chances of future disease?
· Does following the Mediterranean diet help people lose weight or maintain a healthy weight?
· Does chiropractic care reduce back pain and headaches?
You must answer the question you choose using scientific evidence. Thus, you will need to find at least three (3) original research papers that can help you formulate an answer to the question. You are also required to use at least three (3) non-scientific sources (this can include news sources, websites, books). On 2/15/18, we will go to the library to learn how to use library databases to find original scientific papers. We will also do several in-class assignments to help with writing the paper. All rough drafts are mandatory and should be a full-length version of the paper that you will revise after you get feedback.
Your final paper will:
· Be 8-9 pages in length
· Be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, with margins no larger than 1 inch
· Be emailed to me by midnight of the due day (rough and final draft)
· Contain proper references to your research sources in American Psychological Association (APA) style (both in the body of the paper and in a separate References section at the end).
· Be written formally
· Contain a clear answer to the question you have picked, along with explanations of the scientific papers you chose and evaluation of their quality
· Contain a clear thesis statement
Exceeds (10-9) | Meets (8-6) | Does not fully meet (5-4) | Partially meets(3-2) | Does not meet (1) | |
Content/ideas (10 pts) | Writing is clearly focused. Relevant details enrich writing | Writing is focused. Contains some detail. | Writing does not fully communicate knowledge. | Writing is limited in communicating knowledge. Length is not adequate. | Writing is extremely limited in communicating knowledge with no central theme. |
Organization (10 pts) | Writing includes a strong beginning, middle and end, with strong transitions and focused closure. | Uses correct writing format. Incorporates some transitions and a good closure. | Writing is confused and loosely organized. Transitions are weak and closure is ineffective. | Writing is brief and underdeveloped with very weak transitions and closure. | Writing is disorganized and underdeveloped with no transitions or closure. |
Use of evidence (10 possible points) | Writing uses outside sources well. Citations are accurate and use the correct format. | Writing effectively uses outside sources. Citations are accurate and use the correct format. | Writing uses few outside sources. Citations are inconsistent or don’t use the correct format. | Writing uses only one outside source. Citations are inconsistent and don’t use the correct format. | Writing uses no outside sources. No or incorrect citations. |
Vocabulary/ grammar (10 pts) | Effective word choice, No or very few errors. | Purposeful word choice. Few errors. | Shows some varied word choice. Occasional errors. | Language is trite or vague. Many errors. | Careless or inaccurate word choice. Frequent errors. |
Do’s and Don’ts of Research papers
DON’T use I, me, you, your, or other personal pronouns. DO keep it general – use words like “one” or “the authors”.
DON’T make the reader guess what the answer to your question is. Answer right up front, in the first paragraph, in your thesis statement.
DO write in a formal way. Be precise, accurate and serious.
DON’T copy phrases from your sources. DO summarize using your own words.
DO use citations for everything you found during your research, even if it’s a website. This includes citations inside the paper, and at the end on a References page.
DO take notes when you are reading about your topic in various sources. That will make it easier for you to keep track of where you found information and write correct citations.
DO prepare to write several drafts. The first draft will probably be bad! That’s true for all writers. Each draft will get better and better with work.