
Module 4 Assignment: (Pages 104-108) Complete only the numbers listed below, and submit your answers here by Tuesday, 11:55PM

· Exercise Questions: 1, 5

· Problems: 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 39, 47, 51, 53

· Feature Problems and Projects: 62, 63

(See example for format)


Have you ever heard of the term “Superfund Site”? This is something you definitely have to know! Go to the following website of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and answer the following questions.

US EPA Superfund Sites:

Links to an external site.

Go to this searchable site and see if there's any environmental hazard site around your place of interest:

Links to an external site.

What is Superfund?

Which of the site in southern California are you most concern about? (Or if you’d like to checkout Superfund sites near your hometown, you may also do so.

When was the contamination first detected?

What’s the original source of contamination? (i.e. who did it?)

What was the contaminated media? (ex: groundwater, soil, sludge, air…etc)

What was the contaminant(s)? (ex: trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene…and other chemicals)

How are they remediating the site? (clean-up activities)

What’s the clear-up result & date?

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